Thursday, September 29, 2005


sorry guys...i promise i'll post something soon..i just really feel like i have nothing to say...yes yes...feel sorry for's okay...i'm just writing this so you know that i still exist and that i do read ya'lls blogs...every day......i need to get my numbers up so i need to write something extraordinary.....something about cats..or my Lack of Dating Because of Putting in No Effort Extravaganza....that should be both boring and depressing.....or maybe i'll write about how i really want to leave the country..or at least state, for at least a couple months because i feel like i'm ticking away till the day i blow up..soon..but some days it feels like someone wet the fuse and cooled me down....those days are good...anyway, i really want to go to's sad...going to abilene will feel like a great vacation to me....and a great opportunity to find a good freshman girl to's the way i see it....i get hooked up with a girl who is fresh into college (notice i did not say fresh out of highschool cause that would just sound bad.)..anyway..we would agree not to marry till she the time she graduates i should be advanced in my career making a good income and i could immediately start buying her everything she wants(which will luckily not be much cause the girl i marry will be happy enough just experiencing me as her fiance)....then i could have my three kids....after having our fun time first(living in colorado, wyoming, idaho, or montana first for a few years while i work a relaxing job and snow ski, and hike, and rock climb, and travel, and camp the whole time...even make money doing photography on the side...i'd have my own little store at Yosemite or something. i'd have a good barn cat..but short haired so it doesn't get all scraggly full of burrs...i'd also have an alaskan husky cause they are beautiful...but intimidating..i'd probably breed it with the cat to make a superpet of sorts....umm...oh...i'd have to have an RV too...but i dont' wanna drive it cause it's big so i'll hire someone to drive it but he would take the job for free just so he could travel....anyway, i'm going to bed..goodnight


Heather said...

At least date a sophomore. It takes 'em a good five years to get out of college these days.
How can you say that you have nothing to say? That's ridic.

Brown Sugar said...

well...i didn't have anything to say when i started the just sort of morphed into an actual post...a strange but a real post..i need to catch up on your last couple blogs...see ya!

Anonymous said...

adams moving with me to the great northwest! yay!