Tuesday, July 18, 2006


So I've been thinking it's about time that I let ya'll in on a little secret. The movie, The Incredibles, was obviously based on the adventures of my family group that I led at Boiling Springs Christian Youth Camp back in 2001. I remember vividly the day we were sitting around trying to think of names for our group. I finally thought...The Incredibles....I was very excited about the name even though the others weren't....but it was the best one thought of at the time so everyone accepted the name.....we were to be incredible(and totally awesome)....we were incredible in sports and in bible quiz/bowl. we were incredible in four square, and incredible in chapel, and incredible in friendship, and incredible at skits, and incredible at canteen.....others teams names were like, The Mustangs, or Panthers, or Goliaths...nothing too incredible. The original INCREDIBLES included: Mattie H., Melissa E., Jedidiah E., Jessica D., Britton M., C.J. G., Eric H., Unknown girl, CO Captain Michelle D., and I ((The Regulator)currently Brown Sugar)....See for yourself
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Pixar has obviously perfected my idea and made it better for the big screen, but I'd like to take some unofficial credit. If you want my autograph, you know where I am.

The Incredible Brown Sugar