Monday, February 28, 2005

Music....and the Weekend

alright, so my TJ McCloud CD finally came in...I had to wait all weekend......torture....anyway, i got it here at work so i haven't got to pay attention to it much, but what i did hear was good was a good change from what i experienced this weekend....I rarely go to concerts...and the only ones i have been to are caedmons call, jars of clay, and maybe a couple others....Those are good bands to see...This weekend, i got to see Stavesacre at The Door in Deep Ellum...The Door is the Christian club and Stavesacre is a Christian band out of southern California. They were pretty good but a little harder than i prefer....Stavesacre wasn't the problem, it was the opening bands...It's dad would say Stavesacre is a bunch of people yelling and screaming and make no sense at all, but I say they are just loud....but the opening bands were those i would say just yell and scream in the microphone.....literally, that's what they did..supposedly they were screaming words but i didn't hear any....I thought i knew what hardcore music was, but i was, i know that those hardcore bands reach out to those few hardcore is possible that they are a good ministry, but's hard for even me to understand that stuff.....and i'm not that was a bunch of behemothic sounding screaming and the guitarists almost hurting themselves while they spaz on the stage.....i was sure some singer was gonna get whacked by the kneck of a guitar being throwed around.....anywho, like i said, the main band was pretty good.....even the last hardcore opening band was someone ears were still ringing untill about noon on Sunday....well, that was my weekend......oh...i did go bikriding around whiterock lake...very fun..okay...i'm done

Thursday, February 17, 2005


so i found myself yesterday making small talk to rather attractive (daggum gorgeous) girls yesterday.....5 years ago, i would have been fidgety and shaking and studdering and possibly make an embarrassing noice if a girl of this beauty said a word to me, but i was confident at that moment for some reason....enough so to know they were sort of sophomores but they didn't know cause the art institute doesn't do normal semesters..they are interior designers and one is interning at a company and the other is not working currently......this knowlege may be insignificant but it's one step up from where i used to be....after they left i reallized i didn't even get their names....that's one of the harder things for me to do...if i ask their names, in my mind, that means that i am telling them, i want you..........i do want them..or one of them at least, but i didn't want to come across that way for some boss says that they are out of our league....i dont want to believe that...if so , i hope i can expand my league in that direction. i need a recruiter to do some searching or something...but i get the final say whether they are in or out.....anyway, i'm searching for a girl who is of course a good Christain. I know the church is the best way to do that, but it's always girls outside the church(my physical church group) that want to get to know.....should i go on a date not knowing if the girl is a Christian or not....should i invite her to church as one of our first things together......iv'e always thought the first person i really seriously date is the one i will marry....if i'm always interested in girls i don't do i get to know them without dating them.......anyway, i don't know anything about girls i talked to except for what came up in that conversation....and that they were extremely attractive and seemed nice at that moment......of course they left without a hint that i was attracted...what if she was a good Christian girl and i let her go like am i supposed to know who to date without dating them first.(unless i know them already)....i know i know. i need to pray about it.....God will provide...but how much do i rely on him, and how much part do i take in finding a girl. do i just sit back and do nothing and God will show this girl with flashing lights and arrows pointing to her......does he require me to pursue someone and He makes them accept my pursuance....what does it mean to rely on God to provide the perfect girl for me?...does that mean i need to be idle or does it mean I just trust that God will make my actions a success...any comments any feedback....i could also use prayers too.....thanks...

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

recent news

i haven't written anything in a while so heres the recent news....I'm still at blaylock reprographics. I should be able to pull out money for medical insurance soon and i may be getting a raise soon...i don't know how much, but i'll be happy with anything right now. I have also been making some purchases for myself. The coolest thing i bought was a new computer a G5 with over a gig of ram. i'm saving up now for software....and i really need to get internet at my apartment...maybe the raise can help with that if it's enough....i've also had some overtime lately that will help...I have also bought a new bike....99.99 at target...a Vertical mountain bike.....21 speeds and shocks..and front and rear brakes....totally cool.......i guess i'm still doing guitar skills are slowly coming along....a bit slower since the computer and i've been watching the 1st season of 24 on dvd...i've watched way too much but it's so good a can't quit watching....i've watched about 17 episodes since saturday....but i'm not a loser.............anyway...i gotta girl talk this time...sorry.....